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Gallery Index

Gallery 00


Gallery 01_a

Ward 1: Maikot: Maikot School, Water supply to school and Maikot hamlet

Gallery 01_b

Ward 1: Maikot: Communications mast. Religious processions in Nepal and Europe. Gaun Parisad (Village Council)

Gallery 02

Ward 2: Bhaledhunga - still waiting for pictures

Gallery 03

Ward 3: Dadathok: houses, footpath and field

Gallery 04_a

Ward 4: Palkhu: houses, Bhimsen mandir, tauwa (silo, like Oasthouses in Kent), Shri Surya Jyoti Secondary school, corniche, politcal slogans on telegraph mast

Gallery 04_b

Ward 4: Palkhu: houses and sandy paths, big house, main street, excursionists, Atithi Hostel, distant mountain views

Gallery 04_c

Ward 4: Palkhu: library

Gallery 05

Ward 5: Banjang: pretty view

Gallery 06

Ward 6: Bahakot: mountain view

Gallery 07

Ward 7: Mohoriya: still waiting for pictures

Gallery 08

Ward 8: Dandagaon: Baram hamlet, still waiting for pictures

Gallery 09

Ward 9: Bhaluswara: still waiting for pictures


Pictures from Maikot Secondary School: classes


Pictures from Maikot Secondary School: students perform