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Nepali Books in Translation

We will publish here titles of books recommended by members of the Friends of Takukot group. Most of them will be fiction written by Nepali authors and translated into English and popular European languages. Fiction helps us to empathise with the minds and emotions of a people, in a way which non-fiction books and official reports cannot do. Fiction helps to build friendships, one of the main purposes of this website.

If you are from Nepal and want to make suggstions of titles for this site, please write to webmaster (at) Please give author, title and a one-sentence description of the content. Since Takukot is a village, we are particularly interested in obtaining titles of novels dealing with village life, ANYWHERE in Nepal.


Dixit, Kanak Mani: 'Bhaktes Nepalreise. Die Abenteuer eines Frosches im Himalaya. ' Translated into German by Philipp P Thapa. A thrilling story for children and adults, explores different regions of Nepal. Available through the website of Deutsch-Nepalische Gesellschaft (German Nepal Society)

Heunemann, Annette (ed): 'Der Schlangenkönig: Märchen aus Nepal.' (The serpent king: fairy tales from Nepal)

Matthiessen, Peter: 'Auf der Spur des Schneeleoparden.' (The snow leopard)

Matthiessen, Peter: 'The Snow Leopard.' Novel

Robinson, Kim Stanley: 'Escape From Kathmandu.' Novel

Steward, Frank, Samrat Upadhyay and Manjushree Thapa: 'Secret Places. New writings from Nepal.'

Thapa, Deepak, and Kesang Tseten: 'An other Voice. English Literature from Nepal.'

Thapa, Manjushree: 'Forget Kathmandu'

Thapa, Manjushree: 'The Tutor of History'

Thapa, Manjushree: 'Tilled Earth.' Stories

Thapa, Manjushree: 'A Boy from Siklis. The Life and Times of Chandra Gurung.'

Thapa, Manjushree: 'Geheime Wahlen' (Secret elections). Novel from Nepal. Translated by Philipp P Thapa. Publisher: Edition Kathmandu

Upadhyay, Samrat: 'Arresting God in Kathmandu.' Stories

Upadhyay, Samrat: 'The Guru of Love.' Novel

Upadhyay, Samrat: 'The Royal Ghosts.' Stories

Upadhyay, Samrat: 'Der Liebesguru.' (The love guru). Novel, translated into German by Philipp P Thapa. Publisher: Edition Kathmandu

Wagle, Narayan: 'Palpasa Cafe'. Novel about an artist embroiled in the Nepali civil war during the years 1996 to 2006 (Recommended by Razzan Shrestha)

Non-fiction books

Wood, Jon: ' Leaving Microsoft to change the world'. On schools in Nepal (This is NOT fiction, but very relevant for this site.) (Recommended by Razzan Shrestha)

Cities, Towns and Villages in Gorkha District: Chumchet, Namjung, Prithbinarayan, Takukot, Bunkot, Jaubari, Gandaki, Borlang, Chhoprak [Paperback] - LLC Books (Creator). This book is available, e.g., from Amazon. Price: £70 (sic!). No author and ISBN given on Amazon site.

Nepal-related books in European languages (links)

Nepali and Sherpa language

Hutt, Michael, and Abhi Subedi (1999): 'Teach Yourself Nepali. A complete course in understanding, speaking and writing Nepali.' London: Hodder Headline (book and CD)

O'Rourke, Mary-Jo, and Bimal Shrestha: 'Nepali Phrasebook and Language Guide', published by Lonely Planet

Joshi, J R 2010: 'Nepali survival phrase book'. Publisher: Bhawani Joshi, Nepal. 6th edition. 288 pp. e: (? sic). On sale in Kathmandu

Guha, N K: 'Learn Nepali in a month'. Readwell Publications, New Delhi. 200 pp. No year. ISBN 81-87782-12-9. e: - w:

Sherpa-Sprache: Konversation und Grundwortschatz (The Sherpa language: conversation and basic vocabulary). Written in German. Available from Deutsch-Nepalische Gesellschaft publikationen